ICOSSE '17 Call for Abstracts
Call for Posters
Call for Posters
(submission is through WCCE10 website via link above)
Poster Abstracts are being accepted through September 15 to these and other key topics in sustainability:
- The transition to sustainable living
- The Food-Energy-Water nexus in cities and rural environments
- New business models: the circular economy, industrial ecology
- Sustainable technologies in manufacturing and processing industries
- More sustainable use of natural resources
- Reduction of environmental impacts
- Innovative process technologies
- Bringing sustainability to the mainstream
- Sustainability and life-long learning approaches
- Analysis, modelling and assessment of sustainability: tools and techniques
- Identifying and valuing eco-system services
Call for Abstracts has been closed for Oral Presentations. Further submissions require prior approval - please contact lucya@aiche.org.